Man Issues Trap Millions of Men in the "Matrix"

Man Issues? You're In the Matrix. Choose Your Pill.

If you pick the famous "Blue Pill" you'll get your quick fix and stay in a world of lies. But if you choose the Red Pill, it can change your life forever...

Remember that scene in the first Matrix movie?

The one where Morpheus shows Neo two pills and tells him to pick one...


"You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

This choice...

It's the choice that millions of men with poor blood flow have to make.

When the symptoms kick in, they usually go for the BLUE pill.

They get their fix for the night, then wake up in their bed and believe whatever they want to believe... They choose to stay in their powerless story.

It's just depressing.

But if you want to learn the truth and see how deep the rabbit hole goes...

Choose the RED Pill. It's called Butea Superba.

Butea Superba is a Thai shrub that has been used as a male tonic for as long as any local healer can remember. Throughout the centuries, it helped millions of men in supporting their health.

But how does it show you the truth, just like the red pill in the Matrix movie?

You see, the manufacturers of the blue pill want you to think man issues are just a "blood flow" thing.

They're not.

But they want you to think they are.

They want you to boost your blood flow, get some quick relief, and forget about the deeper issue. Stay in the dark and be happy with your easy fix.

It's like turning on the A/C when there's a fire in your house, instead of using the extinguisher.

Because in reality...

Guess what's the real cause of man issues for millions of men around the world?

Low male hormones and/or high female hormones.

The blue pill does NOTHING to help with that.

And that's a big deal, because after 40, your androgens decline by 1-3% every year. (1)

Bad enough, eh?

There's more...

Almost 3 in 4 men (73.7 percent!) have excess weight or obesity. (2)

Body fat (especially belly fat) contains an enzyme called aromatase which transforms male hormones into female hormones.

Together, these two issues basically turn male physiology upside down and lead to all sorts of unpleasant things including limpness, muscle loss, and low energy. 


Can the Blue Pill help with that? Hell no.

But Butea Superba, the Red Pill... It can.

Studies have confirmed that Butea has a 2-in-1 hormone-optimizing action:

- It supports T and DHT production (3)
- It has antiestrogenic compounds that fight off estrogen dominance in men (4)

That's how it helps you beat your man issues by restoring hormonal balance.

It gives you a new perspective on your hormones, your performance, and even your well-being as a whole.

I mean, just check out these reviews...

“I have had problems downstairs for many years but after only a week seeing results that have put a big smile on my and my partner's face. 10/10 Best product ever!”

- Stuart L., Verified Customer

“This is a very potent product. It enhances all the male qualities. It put me into overdrive. I've noticed a good improvement in blood flow.” 

Anonymous, Verified Customer

Loaded With Natural Benefits for Men

The active compounds in Butea Superba bring benefits comparable to those of TRT but without the potential side effects.

Natural androgen support

Effect grows with time, long-term action

Extra benefits for general health

Never a "Blue" Prisoner Anymore

With conventional solutions, you had to take the blue thing every time you'd want to have some action. Butea Superba doesn't make you do that.

Take it daily whenever you can—and watch your performance gradually return!

1st week

Initial benefits in most people. Better performance

3 weeks

Significant results in most men. Better energy & body composition

3 months

Benefits that stay long-term, even if you skip Butea some days

The Best Part? It Helps With So Much More Than Just Blood Flow.

Butea Superba helps to restore your hormonal balance, and this has immediate effects on your whole body, not just your blood flow.

Higher energy levels, better body composition, improved mood... And that's just the tip of all the benefits you may get from reclaiming your hormonal health.

Go Natural. Escape the Matrix of the "Blue Pill."

Every man deserves top-notch male performance without pharmaceuticals. Butea Superba helps you naturally by restoring your hormonal balance.

Time-sensitive: special offer for first-time customers!

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Product results may vary from person to person. Information provided on this site is solely for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing of any medications or supplements. Only your healthcare provider should diagnose your healthcare problems and prescribe treatment. None of our statements or information, including health claims, articles, advertising or product information have been evaluated or approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The products or ingredients referred to on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare provider before starting any supplement, diet or exercise program, before taking any medications or receiving treatment, particularly if you are currently under medical care. Make sure you carefully read all product labeling and packaging prior to use. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, do not take any supplements without first consulting and obtaining the approval of your healthcare provider. Copyright © Anabolic Health LLC. All rights reserved.