For example, take the matter of weak blood flow. The solution is to eat natural vasodilators—foods that relax your blood vessels and improve your blood flow everywhere!
Yes, everywhere. ;)
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cooked from scratch.
Faster and Healthier Than Ever Before.
Is a food good or bad for your blood flow? Stop second-guessing. Here's the real deal.
We bet you got more importat stuff to do than waste an hour on buying your food. Do it faster with our list!
Fed up with gurus who don't back their claims? In this list, every food is backed by serious science.
Ever felt the benefits of antioxidants? We neither. But better blood flow... That's something any man can track. It's hard to not noice when it gets better. ;)
(Recipes not included)
25-30 min
45-50 min
10-15 min